Cold Email Testing Protocol

Responding to an owners DM....

Hey there, it’s Isaac from Leads to Earnings. Welcome to the newsletter.

(est. 4 minute read)

Today I will be going over:

  • My cold email testing protocol

  • 3 steps to craft a winning offer

  • I will also share a few cold email links and tips.

Hopefully you enjoy it.

Actionable Cold Email Tip

I was DMing with an agency owner earlier this week. He wanted to know how to test cold email success.

Here was his question: “’I’m testing 2 email copies for my cold email. I do ecom email marketing service. And my current campaign size is 2k leads.

What is the sample size at which I should declare which of the email copy version is the winning one?”

I get similar questions a couple times per month, so wanted to share with you a few thoughts on how to properly test your cold email campaigns.

In my experience, there is no hard and fast rule but you want a meaningful data set to draw a conclusion.

This depends on how many angles you want to test and how many prospects are in your sequence.

In the above example, the owner was testing 1,000 leads per angle. I usually like to have a minimum of 250-500 sends per angle. So if you have 2,000 leads, 4 angles will be a good test batch.

Usually one or two angles will stand out from that test. The best angles will typically see see a huge number of interested replies and meetings booked and the others will mostly see not interested replies.

You’ll often see one angle starts to substantially outperform the rest (like 4x better). This is your winning angle.

If you haven’t gotten outstanding results yet, then you need to adjust your targeting, your offer or both.

Continue to create new angles and hone targeting until you’ve achieved at least a 10% interested reply rate on your total replies. Then scale up your volume.

A good way to consistently improve your campaigns is to use a systematized testing protocol.

Here is a simple cold email testing decision tree you can apply to your own campaigns:

  1. Is your reply rate below 1%?

    If yes, you might have a deliverability issue. First make sure you’re actually inboxing to solve for this bottleneck.

    If no, review your replies to determine the positive reply rate.

  2. Is your positive reply rate 10% or better?

    If no, you have an offer constraint. Solve for this by making better offers in your copy.

    If the replies are upset, then you likely have a targeting problem. Dial in your targeting to improve your interested reply rate.

    If yes, target a 50% conversion from interested reply into booking.

Continue to optimize each of these steps and soon your campaigns will be spitting out meetings on autopilot.

If you have any specific questions how to optimize your own campaign, feel free to reply directly to this email and I’ll respond with some personalized guidance.

Useful Bits

  • Tweet of the Day: (link)

  • Quote of the week: “In my experience as CEO, I found that the most important decisions tested my courage far more than my intelligence.” — Ben Horowitz

  • Quick bite-sized pointer: Create a winning offer in 3 simple steps

    Ask your customers: -why did you buy? -what problem were you looking to solve? -what is the most valuable thing about working with us? Use their responses to create a winning offer which ultimately determines any campaign's performance.

How I Can Help You

If you like this newsletter and want to work with me, there are a few ways we can do so:

  1. I have a ton of free content that will help you get more clients on my YouTube channel. I post insights from operating high converting cold email campaigns for dozens of B2B companies that have added hundreds of thousands in recurring revenue.

  2. If you are looking to improve your cold outbound skills but don’t want to hire anyone, I have a free 71-page course that teaches everything you need to know about cold email.

  3. If you want a custom cold email campaign specifically designed for your business & ideal target audience, I have a few slots available to show you how it works. Book in here and on the call I will deliver a full 5-angle cold email campaign for you to use to bring on more high paying clients.

  4. If you’d like to hear about how I can help you and your company grow, you can book a call with me here. I might be able to help you grow faster, or I might be able to refer you to someone who can.

Share this with 3 people and get a free training showing you how to convert more cold prospects into warm leads with cold email.

I hope you enjoyed this brief email.

Talk later,


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